Saturday, October 10, 2009
Drip Irrigation Basics
Learn more about drip irrigation basics
HomeMade Drip Irrigation
Also find out efficiency of different drip irrigation system and how Egyptian are making irrigation system.
Find Out more at HomeMade Drip Irrigation
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Waster Water Recycling Systems
New Water Saving Installation Method For Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Waster Water Recycling Systems
Telephone: (800) 483-3437
A more affordable way to install subsurface drip irrigation systems
Lake Elmo, Minnesota USA – The TRENCH’N edge Trencher has developed a new method of installing Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) and Waste Water Recycling (WWR) systems that decrease both installation cost and clean-up labor.
“As demand for water increases throughout the world, the TRENCH’N edge installation method will make it easier than ever before to install water-saving and water-recycling systems,” said Patrick Dean, President of the TRENCH’N edge Trencher. “We developed a method of discharging the trenched material directly into the previously dug trench. That dramatically reduces the handling of trench spoils, thus decreasing installation labor cost. This makes SDI system installation cost competitive with conventional spray-in-the-air irrigation methods.”
Decades of research demonstrates that SDI saves 40% to 60% of household and agricultural water. Moisture is channeled right at the plants’ root zone, without spraying the water into the air, where it can evaporate before it hits the ground. SDI also eliminates overspray onto sidewalks, streets and driveways, which has now been restricted by California and Texas. In fact, parts of Australia have exempted some SDI systems from watering bans, since they are substantially more efficient.
The TRENCH’N edge Trencher’s new SDI and WWR installation methods are designed to make it easier for irrigation contractors and do-it-yourselfers to install SDI and WWR systems. These methods not only save labor costs, but make it easy to “Go Green” for the same installation cost as conventional systems. This new development, the innovative “blade-in-a-blade” system, provides the best in SDI and WWR installation while also retaining the diverse functionality of TRENCH’N edge Trenchers.
All of our trenchers feature the “blade-in-a-blade” technology option, which allows for the installation of both conventional irrigation and SDI/WWR systems, all in one unit. This blade also allows for the installation of low voltage lighting, cable TV, dog fencing and silt fence.
Pictures by Andrew Walladge, Berri Native Plants, Berri, South Australia – Irrigation Contractor
About the TRENCH’N edge Trencher
The TRENCH’N edge Trencher has multiple lines of irrigation and landscape trenchers that can also be used for installation of edging, retaining walls, patios, walkways, low voltage lighting cable, silt fence, sprinkler systems and drain tile. See our website for details on the trencher’s advantages, and videos on installation of irrigation systems –
If you would like more information on this topic, or to schedule an interview with Patrick E. Dean, please call 800-483-3437 or e-mail
Friday, May 8, 2009
Why Drip Irrigation System is Suitable for Cultivation?
Image via Wikipedia
A drip irrigation method has many advantage and rewards for the beginner and the skilled gardener. There are many different drip irrigation systems, so it is important to make a careful observation of the options, and arrive at an informed decision before committing to the purchase. Drip irrigation supplies can be costly, and an ounce of planning can save a pound of doing over.
Drip irrigation is perfect if you live in drier areas , where water scarcity if felt. A drip irrigation system will supply water sparingly , exactly where it is required , with little waste. If you make combination of a drip irrigation system with a thick layer of compost and an intelligent watering schedule, you can save yourself a lot of time and money, and produce a better result in your garden .
Even in some areas with abundant rainfall on an annual basis, there can be arid spells. As much as we like to look at our gardens , standing about with a hose can become tedious after a while . Sprinklers offer enjoyment for the children, but they do waste a lot of water through evaporation, which costs you money and brings an unnecessary burden on the clean supply of water
Placement of nozzles is an important consideration - they should be very close to the roots of each plant. Have a watch on clogged nozzles - ants might be attracted to the wetness and enter nozzles to reach the water, only to be crushed into an immobile mass when the timer ticks gets overand the water begins to flow. Always keep an eye for blockages.
If you have a constant perforated hose drip irrigation circuit, then you need to give careful thought to the route your hose will follow. The aim is to get the greatest portion of the water supply into the garden beds. Keep in mind, too, that you will need to access the hose from time to time, especially if it grows a leak or has some other problem, so think ahead and don't lay the drip irrigation system where your new patio or car port will be built.
Remember, we want to endorse deep roots for stability, so you can not leave your drip irrigation system running 24/7. A good soak every few days is a better idea .
Select a drip irrigation system which provides extra elements for sale individually. You never know when your resident landscape architect will have a clear idea about re architect the garden, and you want to be able to buy extra drip irrigation supplies as the requirement arises.
Along with anything else, you get what you pay for with drip irrigation systems. The cheap ones will break shortly and cause you more headaches than they are worth. Prefer a decent brand from an established supplier who will offer support and maintenance service you for the life of your drip irrigation system.
Rocky is an eminent writer and expert in issues on topic of regarding landscape and gardening. To get free instructions and strategy on how to benefit from drip irrigation and other irrigation supplies and equipment like garden sprinklers, hose, raid bird and other lawn irrigation product.
Article Source: - Why Drip Irrigation System is Suitable for Cultivation?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
How to Plan a Pond in Your Water Garden
Image by peasap via Flickr
When a stream intersects the garden, this requires more work. You should use general treatment in expanding the water area considerably. One of the ways in which you can do this is to create a lily pond in that part of the garden beyond the brook, having an inlet and an outlet, thus securing water circulation.
Bays should be formed on the near side. Communication across the stream may be by means of a simple bridge, or stepping stones if the water is shallow. You should resist the temptation to give a "rustic" character to his bridge and think carefully about adding patio statuary, large fountains, or indoor wall fountains that are best left indoors. It should be a plain affair, well and firmly built, as befits its purpose, and with a hand-rail on either side.
There is a type of water garden which is frankly artificial and depends for its water supply on the kitchen tap or the pump. This last condition means that you should have some knowledge of the economy of water and that can best be done by devising what is called a circulating system.
The first consideration will be the planning of the ponds (for such they are) and in that you must be guided by the levels in your garden and your desires in the matter of water area. If there is a distinct slope in the garden surface, so much the better. It will help you come up with a simple arrangement for running off the water, as must be done from time to time to keep ponds clean and their tenants in healthy condition.
You must provide for the waste or overflow from the pond or series of ponds for when the garden slopes toward the house. The most convenient way is to carry it into a gully in connection with the house drainage system. When the slope is in a contrary direction the best expedient is to make a "soak-away" drain. This is merely a pit sunk in the soil and filled with rubble, into which the overflow pipe is conducted. Consider hiding the rubble with a large fountain such as a wall fountain or other type of patio water feature.
The ponds must be constructed with an impervious bottom by using cement or concrete. This means forming the bottom and building up the sides of the pond. If you use rock or rubble sides, they must be built in cement. You also have to be careful to make the joints watertight. You can make the floor with six or eight inches of concrete, faced with cement. The surface should not be finished to a dead level, but should have a slight fall toward the outlet, to facilitate running off the water.
If the pond sides are built of cement, you should make the edges battered with the edges showing. You can do this by first building a frame of wood. Fresh cement of good quality should be used, tempered with a third part of sharp sand. Pipes for inlets and outlets should be inserted when the sides of the pond are being made. If a single pond is installed it will only be necessary to carry a waste-pipe from its bottom to the drain.
This should be done in a straight line, if possible, to facilitate unstopping in case of obstruction. The most suitable piping is iron gas pipe of not less internal diameter than one and a half inches. A plug must be provided to close the inlet, which may be a simple cone of wood fitted to the bore of the pipe. Again, the piping can be hidden with the inclusion of large waterfalls, patio statuary, or garden fountains. When you want to make two or more ponds, they should be connected by piping into a single system, with the waste-pipe connecting the one nearest the drain to it.
If all ponds stand at the same level, the connecting pipes may enter and leave at the bottom, but if the levels are stepped, as would be the case on sloping ground, the overflow from each pond to the next lower one of the series must be placed at the water line, otherwise the water would all flow to the lowest pond. You can conveniently fill up the pond and drain it with the garden hose.
Allison Ryan is a writer specializing in landscape architecture and do-it-yourself installation of large fountains and patio statuary. For the ideal wall fountain or outdoor water feature for your backyard, stop by
Article Source: - How to Plan a Pond in Your Water Garden
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Some Gardening Advice For The Winter
Make a trench for next year's runner beans. Gradually fill it with organic waste. Cover in spring before planting or sowing.
Cut canes of blackberries that fruited in September down to soil level, then tie in new canes that grew this year to the vacated spaces.
Lift and divide old rhubarb plants with a sharp spade, then replant each section. Take hardwood cuttings of trees and shrubs. Take lengths of stem, about 12in (30cm) long, removing the soft growth from the tip and making a straight cut just below a bud. Make a slit in the soil in a sheltered position, and then insert the cuttings up to at least half their length to root. In heavy soils fill the base of the slits with grit and sand to improve drainage. For trees like poplars and willows, shoots several feet long can be rooted: these should be supported with canes. Other plants that can be propagated now: Virginia creeper, forsythia, roses, deutzia, privet, buddleia, Viburnum Lonicera, dogwoods and Russian vine.
Greenhouse Garden: -
- Cut back the stems of chrysanthemums when they have finished flowering but keep the compost moist.
- Take root cuttings of plants such as anchusa, Oriental poppy, phlox, gaillardia and perennial verbascum.
- Ventilate greenhouses on warmer days.
- Water plants sparingly in the morning, and avoid wetting foliage. Check fuel levels regularly on paraffin and bottled gas heater.
General advice: -
- Clear snow from branches of trees, particularly evergreens, where the weight can cause the boughs to break.
- Clean out ditches, gulleys and drains to prevent a build-up of surface water.
- Apply preservative to exposed wood.
- Clear ponds of autumn debris, service electrical pumps and stop feeding fish. Building or repairing paths, steps and walls can be carried out, but do not lay concrete during frost.
- Bring all watering equipment, hoses and sprinklers indoors.
- Turn off the mains water supply to outside taps and insulate them.
- Collect fallen leaves from under roses, as these could harbour disease.
- Dig over vacant soil, ready for planting.
- Clean out nesting boxes ready for the new breeding season.
- Move houseplants to windowsills during the day to give them plenty of light.
- Rake up fallen leaves from lawns, paths, patios and borders.
- Use a rake to scatter unsightly worm casts on the lawn.
- Prune deciduous trees to shape now that they are without leaves.
Read about grass diseases and watering grass at the Plants And Flowers website.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Free Micro-irrigation Retrofit Workshops Available
How to convert your existing traditional sprinkler system to a more efficient, low-volume micro-irrigation system for your landscape plants.
Scheduled Workshops:
West Tampa - Saturday, March 7 from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., West Tampa Branch Library, 2312 West Union Street, Tampa, 33607
Town 'n Country - Wednesday, March 25 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Town 'n County Regional Public Library, 7606 Paula Drive, Tampa, 33615
South Tampa - Wednesday, April 15 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Tampa Garden Club, 2629 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa, 33629
New Tampa - Saturday, May 9 from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., New Tampa Regional Library, 10001 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, 33647
Register by calling (813) 744-5519, ext.144 or online at The following information is needed to register: full name(s); mailing address; and phone number.
Original source: Micro Irrigation Workshop
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Irrigation and Energy Conservation Workshops for Corn Growers
Registration begins at 9 a.m. followed by the program from 9:20 a.m.-4 p.m. This workshop will be held at Wunderlich’s Catering (Highway 30 and Third Ave.) in Columbus.
More information on Irrgiation Workshop at Columbus
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How to Install a Sprinkler System : Tools for Installing a Sprinkler System
Free Min Guide on Designing and Installing Sprinkler System
And buy more sprinkler systems and irrigation products on
Monday, January 26, 2009
Using Drip Irrigation Method for Greener Garden
Why it is Decisive to Choose Suitable Irrigation Method
The primary thing that goes behind the growth of your garden vegetation in right way is supplying water . Sufficient water supply is the answer to the development of your garden .
As we know that , not every plantation in your garden demand same amount of water. So neither the supply of over-water or insufficient water is fit for garden plants. As a result , choosing a Suitable Irrigation Method is very much important .
Planning Proper Irrigation System
Now choose your watering method according to the condition of your garden lawn. for instance you have vegetables or flower beds , then you want frequent irrigation supply in right proportion. If you have big trees or shrubs, then you want infrequent deep watering .
Today you have varieties of irrigation techniques for your garden. If you have huge garden to maintain and want to save your money, time and water then drip irrigation system is quite suitable for you. The water delivery, this irrigation system offers goes directly to the roots of plants . There is a rare possibility of evaporation and water mistreat.
If you need to irrigate your garden lawn then drip irrigation will be of little use . Here you can prefer garden sprinklers . It is not difficult to install them on your own. There are also multiple choices for sprinklers for example sprinkler heads with drip, spray and rotor variations, dry pipe sprinkler systems, wet sprinklers, DIY sprinklers, floppy and micro sprinklers.
What to Keep in Mind While Watering Garden Plants?
The developed plants require less water in comparison with new plants. The most crucial thing to note is to comprehend the condition of your irrigation needs . Think of the soil type your garden and its moisture level. This will benefit you to deliver the level of water.
Bear all these considerations into your mind and help out your garden get developing into green!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Drip Irrigation System Installation - A Guide to Making Your Irrigation Plan
As the seasons change, you purchase and plant new seeds. Then watering task follows. It becomes very crucial which irrigation method you adopt for better result. From a couple of watering techniques, a well-planned and designed drip irrigation system can be effective for your seeds or plants.
Proper level of water supply only adds boosting power to garden plants and vegetation. Therefore, you need to control the water consumption going behind your irrigation task. If you pay a visit to a nearby home improvement store, you will come across a huge variety of irrigation tools like emitters, tubing, timers, sprinkler heads and sprays, rain bird, sprinkler system and many more to choose from. You get confused how to get started?
There are couples of reasons behind recommending drip irrigation systems as your watering device. First and foremost, they save your time and water. With the help of a good timer, your system can take care of irrigation your plants. More importantly, by supplying water at the roots of your plants, you hinder the progress of unwanted weeds.
Making a Plan:
Before getting started, you need to make a proper irrigation planning for your garden. The size of your garden and the types of your plants are important factors. Different types of plants require different level of watering. You can make different zones for similar kinds of plants for making your watering task easier. You can set timers for them to offer watering as per their requirement and keep watch on them.
What to Shop:
Once you have planned out your watering plan, get hold of necessary irrigation equipments and supplies. You will need a hammer, timer, pressure regulator, various emitters, connectors, 1/2" tubing, hose-plug and terminals, shears, clamps and a hole-punch for drip irrigation system from a well-known home improvement store.
Setting Up Your System:
- Lay out your main lines.
- Insert the barbed connectors into the feeder tubs as to reach to your plants.
- Place your emitter on one end, attach the other to the barbed connector and then connect it to the main line.
- Once everything is connected, turn the water supply on and check all your connections.
- Use clamps for anchoring the lines to the ground. If you need fixing your mainline with wall or wood structure, use c-clamps.
Setting the Timer:
For making your drip irrigation system function properly, you can install the timer correctly. You can set or reset it according the climate. In order to maximize your watering uptake, to minimize the chance of evaporation, you can water early in the morning.
Erich Neilson writes on issues related to gardening. To get his best advice on
drip irrigation basics and easy-to-follow installation tips for
drip irrigation system, visit
Article Source:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Irrigation And Garden Related Resources
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Garden Zone finder, Giant Garden Directory 100's of categories to find gardens,
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