Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Install A Lawn Sprinkler System Most Efficiently

Installing a lawn sprinkler system for your garden has its own advantage. This system has modernized elements in it like it’s much easier to install, requires less time as compared to old heavy garden hoses and it makes your work of watering plants easier. The most important reason for installing this system is it provides consistent water to the garden.

A lawn which is properly watered looks beautiful and greener. And the best way for this is a lawn sprinkler system as it provides a correct amount of moisture throughout the growing period. So, as I said above that installing sprinkler system has its own advantages, but it needs a thorough understanding of how to install the system.

Here are some few points which you can keep in mind while installing a lawn sprinkler system:

1. The key point is to design or layout a pattern for the system, and to decide where the sprinklers will be placed. If you feel designing such type of design is difficult and it’s not your cup of tea, try hiring a professional landscaper to create the design for your system.

2. After doing this the most important factor you have to consider is the amount of water pressure available in your area. This will be an important factor when it comes to providing enough moisture to all parts of the lawn or landscape.

3. While installing and designing the system, it is best to plan out such that it functions at 5-10% below the optimum water pressure. This helps in proper water utilization, future population growth and other factors that can reduce the water pressure over a period of time.

4. Including a booster pump as a part of the system will be a great idea. This helps in areas where there are problems of low or fluctuating water pressure.

5. When it comes to installing the sprinkler system, some manufactures makes it easy for you than the others do. Professional landscapers are quite talented and you can make use of them, but if you’re planning to install by your own then knowing theses basic installing steps is necessary.

Lawn sprinkler system proves to be the best source of water conservation. It also reduces the cost or expenditure incurred behind maintaining garden and lawns.

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