Wednesday, April 14, 2010

7 Steps to Wise-Water Landscaping

Step 1. Planning and Design
First, you need to create a master plan for your land. It can range from a simple, freehand sketch to a professional topographic survey. Be sure to include the existing structures, trees and shrubs. This plan will include use zones and water zones. Use zones are determined by how you will use each portion of your yard, i.e. entertainment (such as a deck or patio), utilitarian (such as garden or dog run, play areas, traffic or transition areas such as paths, etc. Water zones are determined by what you plan to build into the area of your yard, such as a deck or path, or garden, coupled with the amount of sun and moisture that each area naturally is exposed to. Shaded or protected areas may not need as much water as an area of your yard that is in full sun. Paying attention to the use and water zones should also allow you to install your landscape in phases.

Step 2. Compost and Cultivate
Soils in the high plains range from heavy clay to very sandy.Clay absorb water very slowly, while sandy soil does not store water well and will dry out quickly. Most soils will need organic amendment, such as peat moss, compost or organic planting mix, added before planting landscape material. The organic matter should be worked into the soil and mixed well, at least 6 to 8 inches deep. In your existing flower and shrub beds, you can mix the organic matter into the beds 4 to 6 inches without disturbing the existing roots.

Step 3. Limit Turf Area
Turf should be located only in areas where it provides a functional use. Turf requires more water, maintenance and nutrients than most other plant material. Turf is best if separated from plantings of trees, shrubs, groundcovers and flowering plants. Turf requires about 1.5 inches of supplemental water per week when the temperature is over 85 degrees and should be irrigated separately. New varieties of grasses are available that require less water than traditional bluegrass. Ask your garden specialist for recommendations.

Consider using groundcovers and other low water demand plants in areas where foot traffic is infrequent. These will offer a similar neatness and uniformity as lawn, with less maintenance. Steep slopes and sharp angles are difficult to water efficiently and should be planted with plant material other than turf. Established groundcovers reduce weeds and help prevent erosion on slopes.

Hardscape is a wonderful way to enhance your yard. This is the use of wood, rock or concrete to create pathways, patios or other areas of interest. Potted plant material can be used on hardscape areas to add color and are easy to hand water

Step 4. Right Plant, Right Place
Ideally, the ultimate goal is to use plants that will survive with only natural rainfall or with little supplemental water. Higher water-using plants should be used only where greater amounts of water occur naturally, such as in low or runoff areas. Remember, the water-wise landscape will include areas of varying water needs, but plant materials with similar needs should be grouped together. This is called zoning.

Step 5. Efficient Irrigation
A good drip irrigation system is planned around the needs of the plant material it is intended to water. Plan to irrigate turf areas separately from other plant material. The greatest waste is watering too much, too often.

Turf areas are best watered with sprinklers that put out a large drop, as less will be lost to evaporation. Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses for garden and shrub areas. Drip systems apply water directly to the plant roots, reducing water evaporation. Check with the Utilities Department (720-733-6000) regarding irrigation installation permits and backflow protection requirements.

Step 6. Mulch, Mulch, Mulch
Mulched planting beds are an ideal replacement for turf area. Mulches cover and cool the ground and minimize evaporation. The best mulches are organic — aged manure, compost, bark or wood chips. Organic mulches increase the soil’s ability to retain moisture and can improve the underlying soil as it decomposes.

In organic mulch includes rock and gravel products. These products can actually increase water loss from the plants and soil as they re-radiate heat from the sun. Be careful where you use rock as a mulch.

Apply about 3” of mulch for weed control, with less around the actual plants to allow water to reach the root area.

Step 7. Good Maintenance
Your water-wise landscape will still need care and attention to keep it at its peak. Weeding, pruning, proper fertilizer and lawn irrigation system adjustments are some of the maintenance practices that you need to keep up with. Check for broken irrigation lines or sprinkler heads. Thatch and aerate your lawn once a year to help the water permeate into the root zone. Make every drop count, as over-watering will promote the excessive growth of weeds and other unwanted plants.


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